Saturday, 11 May 2013

Food Nutrition.....


Food can be defined anything solid or liquid which when swallowed is digested or absorb in the body to keeps it well ie food nourishes the body. In short food is the raw material from which our body is made. Food is the basic necessity of life like air and water. Infect the food is the primary concern of man in his physical environment throughout all recorded history. Everybody eats food and scientist were very curious about the food which they were consuming and its effect. This curiosity led to the development of science of nutrition.
Nutrition is defined as the scientific study on food and its relation to health, which can also be defined as, science which deals with those process by which body utilize food for energy growth and maintenance of health. It can be defined as the process by which organism injest, digest, absorb. Transport and utilize nutrients and dispose of their end product.
Nutrients are chemical component of food that supply nourishment to the body. They are required by the body in right amount and they must be eaten regularly. Nutritional requirement of a person is the exact amount of each nutrient required for proper growth and development of the body.              Good, adequate, optimum are terms applied to the quality of nutrition in which the nutrient in correct amount and balance are utilized to promote highest level of physical and mental health. Food can be obtained from animal as well as plant from organic as well as inorganic sources. Food is classified according to its nutrients and also according to its function its surfs in body.

Nutrients are basically classified as
Fat (lipids)

Health is defined as the states of complete physical, mental and social well bring and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity Nutrition and health are synonyms but without nutrient it cannot be at its best.
Nutrition is directly related to health, if person is having good quality and sufficient amount of food his body is wealthy and there is no deficiency of nutrient. The immune system is strong which finally helps in keeping person fit and healthy.

Mal nutrition means an undesirable kind of Nutrition leading to ill health. It results from lack, excess, or imbalance of nutrients in the diet. It includes under nutrition and over nutrition. Under nutrition is a state of an insufficient supply of essential nutrient. Over nutrition refers to an excess intake of one or more nutrient which creates a stress in body function.
Person prone to malnutrition are infants, adolescents, pregnant women and elderly people. Pregnant women are especially prone to malnutrition if they are adolescents and not mature enough to bare the child.

(A.)           Physiological Function
       I.            To provide energy for work
    II.            To provide growth
 III.            To maintain and repair body tissue
 IV.            To regulate specific function of the body.  

(B.)            Psychological Function
       I.            In stress we tend to eat more/less
    II.            It gives a satisfaction after consumption
 III.            It gives a sense of security in some stages.  

(C.)            Socio Cultural Function
Food is the most important part of socio cultural gathering with different menus and different moods can be asserts ex. Prasad in temple, feast for birthday

A diet which includes all nutrient in correct proportion or adequate amounts. To promote and preserve health is called as Balanced Diet.
“A diet which provides the body with all the necessary nutrient is the amount in which they are needed it is said to be a balanced diet.
A balance diet as one which contains different types of food in such quantities and proportion that the requirement of nutrient i.e. energy protein, fat, vitamin, mineral is adequately fulfilled.


A calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature 1 kg of water by 1°C. The no of calorie obtained from a food is its calorific value. Every food varies in the amounts of carbohydrate, fats and proteins and even do the calorific value variates for e.g. a glass of coconut water 45 kcal and  paratha gives around 280 kcal (approx) in simple words the amounts of energy provided by nutrient is converted in terns “calorie” To counts a recipe calorie content you need to know the nutrient as each nutrient provides a specific amount of calories according to its weight.
1 gm of carbohydrates = 4 kcal
1 gm of protein = 4 kcal
1 gm of fat = 9 kcal


The average energy requirement should be regarded for a man and women as unchanged from the age 20-39 yrs. Which is assumed to decrease by 5% for each decade i.e. between age of 40-59 yrs and 10% from 60-69 yrs. In infant requires more protein per kilogram of body weight than an adolescent. Since their metabolie rate is much faster than that of adult.

The energy required by male range from 2400 to 4000 kcal and that for female 1700 to 2900 kcal. Since female has lower BMR than male and hence the total energy required is also less.

The activity is directly proportional to the energy requirement the heavier the activity the greater the energy required. A normal adult required one calorie of energy per kilogram of body weight each hour to carry out the basic involuntary functions of the body. So the BMR of an adult weighing 50 kg
50 kg- 1* 24 * 50 = 1200 kcal
The additional calories are required to perform various voluntary function of the body at the rates given below.
Light activity/work = 70 kcal per hour
Moderate activity/work = 100 kcal / hour
Heavy activity/work = 200 kcal / hour
Very heavy activity / work = 300 kcal / hour
The standard energy requirement of men & women.

Moderate worker            men                women
Moderate                       2875kcal          2225kcal
Light                              2425kcal          1875kcal
Heavy                            3800kcal           2925kcal  

The calorific requirement will be influenced by body weight as basic metabolism is closely related to weight the energy required for doing the same work for a heavier person is more than required for a lighter individual same is the case with weight.

A change in climate also leads to change in BMR in cold climate the BMR rises while in warm climate the BMR decrease.

1.      Fever: increase in energy requirement with every degree rise in temperature is 12%.
2.      Pregnancy and lactation: every requirement in pregnancy is increase by 300kcal per day and 400kcal in lactation.


The term of carbohydrate refers to large family of organic compound essentially made of three element i.e. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. Carbohydrate is the most abundant organic compound is nature and chief source of energy.

Carbohydrates are classified on the basis of number of single carbohydrate unit in each chemical structure. Carbohydrate are classified
                      Monosaccharide = single unit
                      Diasaccharide = double unit
                     Polysaccharide = more than 2 unit

Organization Chart


1.      The most important of these is to supply energy.
2.      The amount of CHO required in diet is the highest compare to other nutrient
I.      Energy given function
II.      Protein sparing action
III.      Requration of fat metabolism
IV.      To supply energy in concentrated form
V.      Help in elimination

SOURES OF CARBOHYDRATE                                  

(a.)  Cereals: wheat, corn, rice, jowar, bajara, arrowroot, ragi etc.
(b.)   Vegetable: potato, sago, sweet potato, beet root, arabi all roots & tubers contain large amount of carbohydrate.
(c.)   Fruits: All fruits container a simpler form of sugar i.e. fructose, dry, fruit contains large amount of carbohydrate in the form of cellulose & pectin.
(d.)  Sweets: table sugar, powder sugar, sugar corn, corn syrup, honey, liquid glucose.


Proteins are important component of all living cell and vital substance for life. The word protein is derived from Greek word meaning “to come first.” Protein molecule is very large being made up of smaller units called amino acid.


                                   Organization Chart                                                                
  Proteins are classified as 1. Complete protein 2. Partially protein 3. Totally complete proteins.

1.            Complete Proteins: The proteins containing all essential amino acid in proper amount is called as complete proteins. Ex » egg, milk, soyabean, meat, fish. These maintain life and provide round growth to the young once as they contain all essential amino acid in sufficient amount.
2.            Partially Complete Protein: Partial protein containers amino acid in quantative amount but it lacks in few. These maintain life as a support system for normal growth. As they do not contain all amino acid is sufficient amount. Hence they are required to be used in combination to give a better result. Ex » khicdi (dal and rice), missi roti (wheat flour chana dal flour)
3.            Totally Incomplete Protein: These are incapable of building new tissue replacing bones and tissue, hence they convent support life. Ex » gelatin.

FUNCTION OF PROTEIN                              

Protein is the chief constitute of muscle organ and body tissue. Protein in body tissue are not static they are constantly broken down and replaced by new protein synthesized from amino acid from dietary and tissue source.
Proteins are the main solid matter in the muscles; they are also the major constituents of blood, matrix of bones, teeth, skin, nails and hair. The body, which consists of 60 per cent water and 19 per cent fat, is held together by only 17 per cent proteins and 4 per cent minerals.  
The principal functions of protein in the body are as follows:
1.            Building new tissues in growth stages of life, from conception up to adulthood, and after injury.
2.            Maintenance of tissue already built and replacement of regular losses.
3.            As regulatory substance for internal water and acid-base balance.
4.            As precursors for enzymes, antibodies, some hormones and one of the B-vitamins.

Plants sources                         Animal sources
Whole pulses                            Egg
Milk                                           Fish 
Cereals                                       Meat
Dal-arhar                                    Poultry
Mung                                          Chicken
Udid                                             Beef
Chana                                           Goat meat
Papad                                            Mutton                                       

Fat is a complex molecule constituting of a mixture of fatty acid and alcohol. Generally glycerol is present. Fats are group of organic substance composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fat contains more of carbon compared to that of carbohydrate or protein and therefore supplies double the amount of energy lipids are insoluble in water.
                                                       Organization Chart

Plant Source: Oil from nuts & seeds peanut, sunflower, mustard oil, margarine. Almost all cereals & pulses contain small amount of fat. Which is known as invisible fat olive oil, Evacados oil?

Animal sources: Lard, tallow, ghee, butter, suet, dripping, mayonnaise, whole milk.

1.      To provide energy.
2.      It is a concentrated source of energy and it provides 9 kcal/ per gram.
3.      Fat is very essential for the absorption of fat soluble vitamin A, D, E, K.
4.      It forms a protective covering around internal organ to resist shock.
5.      It acts like as insulation and helps in retaining body heat.
6.      It acts as a spairer of body protein.
7.      Fats are deposited in adipose tissue and serve as reservoir (store house) for energy in the body.
8.      Fat helps to reduce bulk of diet.
9.      Regulation of cholesterol metabolism by transporting it between the blood and the body tissue.
10.  Fats slow down the section of hydrochloric acid. Rate of muscle contraction and digestion hence fats have good satiety value.

VEGETABLE FAT                         ANIMAL FAT
Vegetable fat is                                  Animal fat is obtained                           
Obtained from vegetables                   from animal and are mostly
Sources and its mostly                        in visible form.
Invisible form of fat.
2. vegetable fat gaves a low               Animal fat gaves high palatability  
     Palatability compare to that              compare to that of vegetable fat
     of animal fat   
  3.There are less chances of                There are more chances
     Having heart disease when              of heart disease when animal
     The vegetable fat is consumed        fat is consumed compared to vegetable
     Compared to animal fat                   oil 
4.   Ex » Vanaspati sunflower oil         Ex » Lard, suet, dripping, tallow etc.
                          Soyabean oil.


Minerals are basically nutrient which are requiring for a specific function in your body. About 4% of body weight is made up of mineral element. In all there 24 mineral in our body classified as major micro trace elements.
     Calcium and phosphorous account for ¾ of minerals element. Source other require d are iron, magnesium, sulpher, iodine, sodium, potassium and chlorine.
                                          Organization Chart

They are required in large amount at least 100 mg per day ex » phosphorous, sodium, chloride, potassium.
They are required in small amount less than few small amount mg/day ex » iron, sulpher, magnesium.
The requirement is of few micro grams ex » iodine, fluorine, zinc, titanium.

1.      As a constituent of bone and teeth e.g. calcium, phosphorous, magnesium.
2.      As a constituent body cells of soft tissue e.g. phosphorous.
3.      As soluble salt which gives the body fluids and sell their composition and stability.
4.      Some minerals are required for specific function e.g. calcium helps in formation of bones & teeth.
5.      Minerals are required in constituting of enzymes.
6.      For proper function of nervous system.
7.      For muscular contraction.


Vitamins are one of the six classes of nutrient supplied by food. They may define as organic compound which are found in natural foods and are essential for normal growth and nutrition of human body. In addition to proteins carbohydrate, fats and minerals, vitamin must also be supplied in the diet for the normal functioning of the body. Vitamins are classified in 2 groups basis on their solubility into fat soluble and water soluble

                                                Organization Chart



Meal planning is both art and science. Art in specific blending of color texture and flavor and science in the wise choice of food for optimum nutrition and digestion. Meal planning means planning for adequate nutrition. A proper planned meal is necessary in order to fulfill the nutrition requirement of an individual. As it is essential to keep them strong healthy and free form disease or deficiency of any kind. A thorough knowledge about nutritive value of food is very important because it enables one to make better choice and avoid monotony in the diet. It is always better to plan meals before starting the preparation or even in advance as it will help to utilize the left over food from previous meals instead of washing it. Which will also cut down the cost?

No two individual have exactly same nutritional needs hence their diet differ in order to meet their physical, social, psychological needs there are no of factors which play a important role in meal planning.

1.                  Adequacy of food:
A good menu is one which not only provide adequate amount of nutrient but also gives a sense of satisfaction, physical well being to all individual, hence the menu should be according to age, sex, occupation no of people etc. pattern for meal vary widely from place to place and people to people but an attempt should be made to provide a diet that won’t lead to deficiency of any kind.

2.                  Meal pattern must fulfill all requirements:
While planning meals one should consider the need and the requirement of each individual in the group. The group consists of people with varying age group example an adolescent an old age person a middle aged lady. The meal plan should be such that all nutritional requirements according to them should be attained. The method of cooking, the texture of food, the quantity of food, and the intervals between the meals should be planned accordingly. The diet on the meal for an adolescent and an old man can never be same as far as texture and cooking methods are concerned. A old man prefers soft cooked food than less of oil due to decrease in ability of the digestive system where as a young boy likes to have more spicy and crisp variety in food same is the case is calories has one doing heavy work requires more calories than one who has a sedentary lifestyle.

3.                  Meal Planning should save time and energy and result in easy to cook meal:
This is very important point specially where there is shortage of time and energy. If too many dishes one there in a menu it will require a lot of time and energy and even pre-preparation may be required. If proper time management and planning is not there the meal won’t be served at appropriate time and according to schedule and this may create a problem. So meal planning should be such that minimum time and energy expenditure is there.

4.                  Individual likes & dislikes:
Some people have personal likes and dislikes. Although the recommended allowance of each food must follow still there is room for individual preference among the food in each class. This is a place meal planning becomes an art whether a person planning has to manipulate things in such a way that the individual likes and dislikes are also considered an nutritional requirements are also fulfilled e.g. soyabean instead of meat, paneer instead of milk.

5.                  Suitable combination:
By combining the foods in a suitable manner variety in meals can be given as varieties in meal add up to a better nutrition. This can be introduce by change in colors, shape, texture, flavors and method of preparation attractive color combination are always appealing to eye texture variation is also necessary as all soft or all hard texture foods one not relished by an individual dal & rice with Papad, of combination of hard and soft texture food at a time. Flavors play an important and different role in meal appeal. All food should not have a strong flavors various of cooking also introduce variety ex » chapatti, plain dal, rice, cauliflower, spring onion, Papad, pickle & crisp salad Cereals and pulses cooked in combination add to the nutritive value combination of milk and cereals also do the same. Fermentation and sprouting also helps in enchancing its nutrient content.

6.                  Food should provide satiety value: Satiety value is the satisfaction after eating or filling of fullness. Foods rich in protein and fat give a higher satiety value compared to carbohydrate. While planning meals one should always consider the interval between two meals and accordingly include foods if the interval is longer foods rich in protein and fat should be given if short intervals are there foods rich in carbohydrate should be included.

7.       Availability of Food: In today’s world availability of food is not a big problem. And almost all the foods and vegetable are available throughout the year but still seasonal foods which have a peak season at a particular time should be included while planning to add variation and according to cost effectiveness other varieties can be used.
8.      Economic consideration: Budgeting while planning is very important as cost is the most varying factor always if you have a restricted budget you can’t provide luxurious food in it. If the meal planning is follow low income group it become difficult to plan but not impossible. When cost per days is low it is very important to have a good knowledge of less experience but nutritionally good food item to provide a good balance diet. E.g. butter milk.

9.                  Seasonal foods: They should always be considered first they are cheap available in quantity and have good nutritional value also. So one should prefer the food which has a peak season.

10.       Religion, Tradition & customers: This is an important factor as religion and tradition are major factor influencing food habits. A vegetarian will never agree to have a non-vegetarian food. Jain people will never eat any form of root. Bengali widows are generally not served fish customs changes from community to community and hence should be considered while planning.



  1. The food we eat gives our bodies the "information" and materials they need to function properly. If we don't get the right information, our metabolic processes suffer and our health declines. And that's why it is good we eat good food and eat well. Nice post here.

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